9 days = lots of stuff to say
Well this is amusing...I keep promising to write more often and as it turns out I just wait longer and longer before I update my blog. I'm going to partake in normal American behavior and blame something or someone else for this shortcoming of mine. In this case it will be both something and someone whom I blame for this abominable action. (If you can not tell that I'm sardonically exaggerating perhaps you need a more expansive education before you try and read about the inner workings of my complex mind.) (Again, I'm getting lost in my sarcastic rhetoric.) Anyways, one of the biggest reasons it has been so long since I blogged is the enormous load of schoolwork I had over the past three weeks. I kid you not when I say it was the most stressed out I've ever been with regards to my education. Alas, I got through the hell...I got my papers done and I took my exams. I already got one exam back(the one I ended up not studying for) and it turns out that I was one point away from a perfect score which shocked the hell out of me, and it wasn't an easy exam by any means. In fact, a lot of the other students were ardently complaining about it. Then as far as my other two big exams go, I haven't seen my grades yet but I believe I did really well on them...perhaps even a perfect score on my essay exam. Who knows! Point is...I'm happy it is over and I'm comfortable with my performance.
The other big reason I haven't blogged in a while is because I've been spending all my free time with the Shrezinator. He's this guy I met like almost a month ago. We hit it off pretty well and started dating. He's got this unexplainable cuteness about him...I don't know quite where it comes from. But anyways, we've been watching movies and going out to eat(a lot, more than my wallet should be able to afford) and just hanging out. Of course, he's spent the night quite a few times and, in fact, we've spent the entire first part of spring break together. Friday we went to Jville to hang out with my sister and her significant other. We all got drunk and went to Metro (the fag club) to see my friend Jade Fox, an up and coming drag queen who mischeviously goes to straight clubs and makes out with straight guys without the fuckers even knowing that she is a he. The thought of it is hilarious...seeing her in action is even more hilarious. After the club we just kind of chilled and I showed him around crappy Jville some. We also went bowling (and the little shit beat me twice) and to the mall where GASP! I bought two shirts from Old Navy. Do not be alarmed though for they do not say Old Navy on them and I only paid 5 bucks for each one.
So, I sincerely kneel down, clasping my hands in front of my chest and look up at you with puppy dog eyes asking for forgiveness and apologizing for waiting so long before regaling you in the most fabulous intricacies of my elaborate, college-student life. I wish I could promise to you that it won't be so long before I write again, but I don't want to make promises that I may not be able to keep. For you see, as with my journals, blogs, poetry (and I know I'm not the only one) it seems that I write more frequently when I am upset about something. The excuse I hear from many other people like me is that this is a place to vent; alas, I do not wish it to be so. I want to write as often as possible to keep tuning my creative ability and to free my mind. Regardless of how I am feeling at any particular time-slice, it is still healthy to write down something...be that how I am particularly feeling at that moment, or just recapping what has been going on in my life. The more I write, the better I feel...and the more often I write and the longer I write about a certain subject, no matter how mundane it is, the more creative I get and the more ideas I harvest for my poetry and intelligent discourse.
Enough of the tooting of my horn...as far as my immediate future goes, I have no idea what I'm doing. Only thing that is certain is that on thursday afternoon I will be getting a pedicure with my mother (how GAY, lol). As for the rest of my spring break...I will probably do some reading, be lazy, get intoxicated and whatnot and just enjoy the fact that I don't really have to do anything in the immediate future (except all that school reading I didn't do while I was writing papers and studying...[sad face]). oh, the joys of college life...
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