Saturday, December 18, 2004

Are we clear?

Well, just like someone else I know, I don't like to leave a depressing post up as my most recent one for too long. So here is a new one and seeing as I'm not in as bad a mood as I was yesterday, it shouldn't be depressing. I just want to cover some gaps I didn't address in yesterday's post.
I feel I left the impression that I don't love myself or that I don't have fun by myself which isn't true. I do love myself, even if I can be hard on myself at times. And for the most part, I have a good time with myself. I just prefer the company of other people. It's comforting to just have someone's presence in the room with you, or apartment with you. Even when my roomates were here and studying and we didn't talk, I was much more at ease. But alas, I'm much more at ease today then I was yesterday...I was just in a really shitty mood, and for reasons I'm not sure of. Today, however, I'm in a better mood and I did some cleaning and now I'm laying here watching TV and writing. And I don't want to go to work either, lol, which is a good sign that I'm not entirely bored. Because if I was bored I would want to go to work to break up the monotony. that I've cleared all that up, I want to wrap things up because I don't want to get lost in a post contemplating love and the answers to all those mysterious questions I wrote about earlier. So for now I'm just going to stop thinking and get lost in the TV screen like the majority of Americans...sitting aimlessly...rotting out my brain, leading to later life dementia.


At December 18, 2004 at 2:50 PM, Blogger Angel said...

We're clear now. You were feeling depressed and I was feeling a bit like Dr. Phil. ;)

At December 18, 2004 at 5:12 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Thank you for alluding to my blog...I feel special. I am in total agreement about being alone, although in my case I would rather my roomate be on another continent than sitting 6 feet behind me...but thats a different topic for a different day. It is definitely easy to get lost in thinking about things (as I have been doing today) but I guess we just have to try and find other things to occupy our time; unfortunately I don't have advice on that one. If you come up with anything let me know...I'm done; I actually comment on your blog!

At December 18, 2004 at 5:43 PM, Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

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