Sunday, November 21, 2004

More Important Things In Life...

So here I sit all sore, feeling like a train hit me last night. I went to the FSU v UF game in Tallahassee and it was the first game I'd been to since the same match-up last year. I forgot how tiring and depleting four hours of constant yelling, clapping, and war chopping could be. I guess it doesn't help the matter that I've only gotten about 5 hours of good sleep per night for the past 5 or 6 nights. Oh well, most of the nights were worth it. But, due to upcoming work loads and school loads, I'm not going to be staying up for the sunrise much more this semester. Just can't do it. Already, I've let myself get backed up to the tune of 32 fifty minute lectures which need to be watched and understood by December 3rd ::gasp:: This is not to mention that I haven't kept up with any of my reading for my other classes and I still have a paper to turn in for my poetry class. What do I do with my time? Simple answer: not really too much. If I'm alone in my room, I'm probably watching TV or talking to a few people on AIM...and probably obsessing over someone. If I'm elsewhere, say like campus...I'm in class or I'm probably reading the newspaper and talking to someone. But never, never doing what should be done to keep my GPA holding strong. I blame all of my extreme laziness this semester on the crappy pointless classes I am taking and also on the tumultuous events which have been anything but steady and relieveing this semester...all stemming back to the fact that I'm no longer in a long term intimate relationship. Things have been bleak, and things have been rather enlightening...and now perhaps, things are looking up again. Time to dispell the somber mood of late and return to my normal go-lucky self. The fact that I'm starting to like someone a lot and that I've been told those feelings are mutual is really helping. I can be happy alone, but I'm always happier with someone I like.


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