Liberals United Will Take Back America
The following is an email I wrote to I'm no longer going to sit on my ass while the opposition meets at least once a week to rally and gather support for their conservative causes at church. This time around I'm going to become very active and take part in campaigns to help Democrats back into office. I'm writing this blog in hopes that many other Liberals will read it and take it upon themselves to urge the major Liberal Organizations to band together and organize a massive protest and march on D.C. during Bush's second inauguration. Feel free to be inspired by the following email and in fact write many similar to it to send off to friends, loved ones, and Liberal lobby groups. It is important that we act fast in planning this and take to the streets to show America that we are very much alive and strong and will soon fight like hell to take back our Country! WE must spread the word!
My friends and I were thinking that it would be a splendid idea for us to contact the big liberal activism groups around the country and encourage them to work together to organize a huge march on D.C. during Bush's second inauguration. We need a million+ people march to show America that Liberalism hasn't died, we are very much strong and alive, we believe this President is a threat as well as a scam, and that even though the conservatives won this time...we are some very pissed off liberals and we are prepared to act quickly and efficiently in getting the Republicans out of office. We need to show our force by numbers and peace, no violence, in fact, my friends and I think a march of 10 million silent people, quietly waving signs will speak volumes. We could then rally at the reflection pond and mall and speak about the issues we wish to see handled. Please, please help us! Contact everyone of your volunteers and sister organizations and start planning now...the organizing of a protest of this magnitude must be handled well in advance. We've got two months. Let's take back America!
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