Monday, November 01, 2004

Baby's got a brand new revelation

A week is a long time. Enough time for many things to happen, including FSU losing unexpectedly! Aside from that depressing thought, I haven't really had too many depressing thoughts this past half a week or so. It's been pretty good...hence the brand new revelation. I think that I'm okay with being single now, it's taken two months but I'm finally okay with it. Which is humorous to me because I may not be single for long. Usually once I find myself being able to deal with certain aspects of life, wrenches get thrown into plans and my entire outlook ends up shifting. I'm thinking that might happen again soon. It's just a feeling. Another of my intuitive feelings is that John Kerry is going to be our next President. You watch and see, he's going to win. He's going to win Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Maine, Vermont, DC, Delaware, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and FLORIDA. To hell with the other states, we don't need them. I really can not believe that tomorrow has finally come. GET OUT AND VOTE tomorrow if you haven't already. I went on Wednesday so I'm going to spend my day tomorrow kindly reminding everyone else to get to the polls. Then hopefully I'll watch our new President be decided on CNN with close friends and cry tears of joy that this tyranny is almost over.


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