Monday, December 13, 2004

Another Blog in Love Letter Form...

December 13th: the first and last day of final exams for me. 7:30 AM is when my Stat final begins. It is now 12:15 AM and I chose not to review for the final whatsoever. Afterall, it is open book. Let's hope that is good enough to pull off an 88% so that I don't get two B's in one semester. Honestly I haven't really studied for anything since I watched the 32 lectures for my third Stat exam. I just haven't been in the mood. In fact, in the last two weeks I have watched about 8 or so movies...which is more than I've watched all semester long. And again tonite I watched another movie with the roomie. So basically my semester has been over for almost two weeks and I'm ready to move forward.
I'm pretty much back to normal now after the hell that was my life in September, October, and November. The events I dub Break-up/Rebound, Heartbreak Election, and the Bad-Timing Disappointment have all passed, with only Heartbreak Election still having a slight impact on my life. I still have bad-timing though... seeing as the boy I like(a lot)whom I have such a great time with is embarking on a fabulous semester abroad to London in like two weeks. I'm really quite happy for him and if I understand fully the way I feel about him right now, I will be waiting for him for the six months. Then hopefully, when he returns, things will work out and the timing will be better.
There are those people who tell me I'm crazy for even thinking it could happen and that I will be wasting my time waiting because they say so much can happen in six months. I guess they are correct, but I'm the optimist here, always holding out.


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