Saturday, January 15, 2005

Just another Week?

Wow, it's been like ten days since I've had time to even think about blogging. Alas, here I am.
In a nutshell: school is relatively strenuous this semester (as being compared to my earlier semesters) and I am already behind on reading. I'm already at a point where I can't even alot time to thinking about writing a poem because my mind needs to be focused on my reading at every possible free moment. Basically I spend my entire tuesdays and thursdays on campus...about 8 to 6...for class, and once I get home I try to go to the gym but it has now been a week since that has occured. Then on wednesdays, I devote all of my time to my poetry class which starts at 7pm and on the other reading I have for other courses. And of course, I pretty much work friday through monday. So like I said...mucho busy lately.

As far as other things that are going on: I got a new cell phone yesterday (yay!) and I'm still learning how to use everything it offers (cell phones are so advanced and complex nowadays.) Also, for the first time in my life I had a strong desire to get a tattoo. I can envision it on my back; but I can't seem to be able to draw it on paper correctly (or to the standards of my vision at least.) I have vowed not to rush into it though (those of you who know me really well would understand this fully) but instead, I'm going to wait 6 months and if at the end of those 6 months I still want it...then so be it, I'll be on my way to the parlor to get it. For those of you curious about what would resonate so firmly with me that I'd be willing to permanently ink my body with it: the obscure and basic symbols for masculinity and femininity...representing my own harmony between my masculinity and femininity (and the importance that I place on this balance...that I believe everyone should be attuned to.) Now most people reading this are probaby scratching their heads and thinking to themselves, "what the fuck is this guy talking about?" The tattoo will basically look like a wide v (the chalice = femininity) with an equally wide, upside-down v (the [phallic] blade = masculinity) atop it. Now for the feminists out there (I'm one too), please do not jump down my throat...the reason the blade tops the chalice is because it looks best that way, and afterall I really am a guy. I have considered getting them side by side, though I'm fairly convinced that will look stupid and somehow just not right.

Anyways, enough rambling and rambling on about my prospective tattoo. Also noteworthy is the little bit of news that I can now wear jeans to work, albeit they do have to be Express jeans. Unfortunately I felt I didn't have enough (any?) decent Express jeans that were appropriate for I had to go and spend 70 bucks (after discount!) which I don't really have the money to be doing, on a pair of new dressy Express jeans. I'm wearing them right now and they are comfortable enough...not nearly as comfortable as my Joie pair...but then again...what do you expect, afterall, it's still Express.

That should about cover what's going on right now...hopefully next time won't be too far off.


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