Friday, February 11, 2005

Bummed Situation

So here I sit amongst my notes and books and whatnot and I can not seem to concentrate. I keep getting distracted by the inner workings of my mind and I want nothing more than to go out, party, have a good time, watch a movie, hang out with people, go out with someone, rather than sit here eating pasta, butter, and cheese for the millionth time and second today. This is exactly what I do not want to do with my life. I do not want a career to hold me back, to make me do things that I do not want to do, or to keep me from doing things I so much want to do. It has now been two and a half hours since I got home from work and all I have managed to do is read through about 16 of 40 pages of Robert Nozick's Distributive Justice and extracted only enough material to garner about one page of my paper (I need ten). Once Nozick is over I have to sift through Rand, Rawls, and Dworkin: not an easy task by any means. I expect to be sifting until probably sunday morning at which point I need to solidify an outline and begin writing because I have other things that need doing after Monday (not including having to work on Monday).

So here I sit at my keyboard, hurriedly eating my aparagus and pasta and typing this out because I have no where else to vent. Everyone is out on dates or the movies, or getting ready for parties and clubbing, which is what I wish I was doing (any of the above would be fine with me). However, I must remain a stressed out, frustrated, lonely little boy and seek for company the obnoxiously incomprehensible highbrow works of above said philosophers and my own mind, which at times just begins to hurt from trying to consume so much bullshit in such compressed periods of time. This is my life for the next fourteen days...I'm hoping I survive and that the end of the period brings immense relief. Hopefully I will have something (or someone) interesting to do over spring break to sort of act as a reward for the trials I must endure presently.

I must be wrapping this up now and returning to my work... If any cute boys wish to rescue me and take me out...Please do so! I will make the time for it (afterall, who needs sleep?) You have my cell phone and you know how to IM me! (at least, the person whom I would let distract me, does.)


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