Things just got much better!
I think it is fair to say that this past week has been the best week I have had since I left for Prague. Not necessarily due to the experiences and activities, although they were a part of it, but also due to an uplift in my mental attitude. After the classes were over for the week and we all went to La Traviata (which was beauitful despite the below par stage set) we decided to go out and have a fun night of drinking on Friday. We went to Radost FX which is a really good vegetarian restaurant with Moroccan decoration in the lounge that provides for a very relaxing atmosphere. I had this spinach burger with cous cous salad that was amazing! and then I went on to order many shots of absinth and ended up spending more money than I had at our smancy fancy dinner the night before. And with the Absinth the fun began. Having started early, Anichka and I decided we wanted to go dancing at the club downstairs and thankfully she is hot and got me in free by touting my faggotry. Once down there we danced for awhile, she got really drunk! and we met some interesting people from Australia which then led into me making out with a very cute, very straight, australian doctor boy and then Anichka stole him and was all over him the rest of the night. So that was all good and whatnot....when we got home I decided to get on the computer, thinking that maybe I could talk to Shrezzie seeing as it was like only 10pm back at home. He wasn't there so instead I ended up writing him a long IM love letter that expressed everything that I feel for him. When I woke up in the morning and checked my email he had written me a sweet little email that said he didnt really know how to respond, which was expected, but when I checked his blog I about blew up with happiness! He had put my entire letter on his blog under the title *Blush* and perhaps I'm a bit foolish, but that just made my heart swell with happiness. We have since talked more in the past few days then we have for the entire trip and its settled me a lot. I no longer worry about him being around when I get back, I'm fairly certain he will be. And I've also realized that there really isn't much time left before I go home anyways! And seeing as there is so much that will be going on in the next two and a half weeks, it's going to fly by even quicker. I'm just so excited for these next three weeks because I've got soooo much to do and then I get to top it all off with the best cherry ever...going home to the most wonderful boy I've ever known! I can't help but keep my mind racing with ideas of how to spoil the shit out of him when I get home...not just to make up for leaving him half the summer, or for the debacle at the beginning of the summer, but mostly just because I want to do special things for him because I love him so much...and I've never really wanted to do anything for any boys before, besides giving them the best time in bed! Shrezzie is going to get that alright, but also many little small dotings whenever its completely unexpected. And I can't wait until one month from'll be like the 6 month anniversary which is a big deal for gay relationships, lol! I have a little something special planned...hopefully it works out.
Well I guess I kind of got off the regaling you all in the experiences of my trip thing...but you know what Bjork said, "All is full of love!" And when that happens to me, I find it hard to keep to the tasks at hand. Oh shit! I love entendres.
Okay, I suppose I should stop now...this post is getting really long.
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