Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Hello? Is Anybody Out There?

I was just wondering if anyone actually reads my blog. I act as if I'm reaching an audience every time I post, even though I mostly just write for my own selfish purposes. I enjoy writing and mostly I use this as a medium for my thoughts, but being that it is online and that I have links to it in certain profiles, I guess I just assumed that people read it. Oh well, regardless of the size of my audience I will continue to update this blog and write whatever it is that I care to write about. Which today happened to be whether or not anyone actually reads my blog. And who knows what it will be tomorrow or whever I write again. Perhaps I will write tomorrow afternoon when I am extremely wasted from our graduation/program completion ceremony. There will be free beer and we all know how hilarious and illuminating my writing can be when I am drunk. Toodles!


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