Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Gloomy rain calls for gloomy blog

Reasons why my life sucks right now:

-I'm on my 4th straight day of studying for
exams and feel like i've gotten nowhere
-I'm completely broke for the first time in
my life and I realize that it's only beginning
-I'm not going to be graduating within 4
years like most normal collegiates and the
one semester extension is going to make
living arrangements difficult and pricey
-My romantic life suffers unrelentlessly
from bad timing and is once again in a bleak
and dreary stagnation
-Due to my financial woes, I have to live in
Jacksonville for 6 weeks and work as a
plumber's helper, suffering through forty
hours or more a week of ignorant, chauv-
inistic, redneck conversations as I dig in
the abominable heat of north florida
(this is also slightly responsible for my
previous complaint)
-I'm worried about my future as a grad
student and later on, phD and professor
of some interdisciplinary subject which
involves sexuality, politics, and sociology
because I've only recently known that
this is what I want to do and I haven't
had time to connect with professors
who can help me generously in working
towards that goal (mainly my thesis)
-I think I might possibly be ADD because
I was studying like an amazing machine
and enjoying it while I took some adderall
but now that I have run out, I'm back to
my old ways of finding it really hard to
concentrate on stuff for too long
-I wanna cry
-I'm balding...I think...and by looking at
my parents, I'd have to say the future
doesn't look so good for my once held
attractiveness and sexiness
-I live in a society that hates my love,
degrades my morality, ignores my
intellect and sincerity, and oppresses
my being and living

I'm just in an extremely blah mood right now

There are some exciting things to look forward
to though like going to Prague for summer B
and...well I can't think of any right now because
I'm in a bad mood and everything seems grim
rather than good.


At April 27, 2005 at 2:33 PM, Blogger Mark said...

It's posts like this that you look back on and wonder "what the fuck was I thinking?" I loved the last line: it SEEMS like everything sucks. Steven, you're a good guy. You're intelligent. You will always be cute (and cures for balding are just around the corner). You have what it takes to write a thesis and be a professor, if that's what you desire. Love life gets shitty and then it gets better and then it gets shitty again. And then, it gets better. It's just how it works. Basically, it's the last week of school, everything is coming to a crashing stop; you'll be fine if you just hang in there. I am sorry that all I can offer is cliche encouragement..but my brain is tired as well. I'll leave you with a very gay ::hug:: and a "feel better, chum." You rock.


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