Thursday, April 14, 2005


Boyfriends should be considerate. Boyfriends should be able to realize when each other is distraught and needs particular attention; they should make certain sacrifices in order to be there for each other when circumstances call for it. Boyfriends should be willing to give up an hour of fucking sleep to console their frustrated partner. Boyfriends should make themselves useful and worthy to be kept around, after all, no boy is THAT good that someone would stay with them if all they got in return was a poor fucking excuse. FUCK YOU, and you know who you are!

On a side note, seeing as that relationship is likely headed nowhere...are any of you boys who read this blog good enough to be a boyfriend? A good boyfriend? Someone I can rely on and in turn could rely on me? If so, I'm open to getting to know you but I'm not looking to start any relationships because I'm going to Europe in two months for six weeks.


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