Thursday, March 31, 2005


I feel like blogging right now.
This does not mean I am bored,
I just feel the need to write some things down.

So one good thing has finally come from working at Express and that is the introduction to a song that blows my pants off! (geez am I really that nerdy that I'm reverting to phrases like "blows my pants off" ? oh well) So yeah the song is some mix of Androgyny by Garbage. I guess first off I have to reiterate my obsession or, at least, appreciation of androgyny. (is it reiterating? I can't remember if it's come up in my blogs before, but yeah) Fuck masculinity and fuck femininity, what we need is a breakdown of gender roles and have one androgynous idenitity. This doesn't mean that girls and boys need to look alike...that will never happen due to nature...but there needs to be a harmony between the "best" masculine traits and "best" feminine traits. Best is in quotation marks because I understand the natural disagreement over what is best that will happen. If I had more time and I could make some money out of it, I would write a book detailing this harmony in full and in just what ways I think this society would benefit from this harmony and how we can achieve it. But as it stands now...just know that I love androgyny and if you are interested, I encourage you to go out and do independent research and learning and hopefully come to appreciate it just as much as I do.

So now that I just rambled for a few minutes without really realizing it (which is totally a good thing for me, but maybe not for you readers out there who have to endure my ramblings) I will get on with the rest of my blog. (I don't know if my reader base likes to read about the trivial, over-dramatized, personal spewings about what goes on in my everyday life, or if they like to read the random shit I put on here, or whatever...I don't know because no comments are ever left on my posts to tell me what people think about what I'm writing. So I guess until people are either thrilled enough or annoyed enough from my posts to leave me comments on them, I will just write whatever I feel like writing at that moment.) Okay, here goes: yesterday was not a good day, after waking my ass up at like ten in the morning I proceeded to do schoolwork all day and only taking the occasional break to chit-chat with my better half, nicole (not married, just roomies). I also took the opportunity to read by the pool so that I could bring my body up to par on the level of sexiness I exude through my personality and gait. I'm getting close to the appropriate level now. The sun did an extremely well job(? or good? grammar is a bitch sometimes) of tanning me in only three hours because (and I'm sad to say this) the bitchin heat of Florida has returned. After all that I had to rush through my pre-poetry class rituals so that I could get to class on time only to be extremely bored by it and suffer through the ignorance and unworthiness (lmfao) of my other classmates. Then when I get home I was too tired to go to the gym and my boyfriend tells me that he doesn't want to come sleep with me because he wants to get in a half-hour more of studying. So, being upset at having a very miserable day I just spent the rest of my night sulking and chatting to whoever would listen to me on AIM and then I finally passed out around 2:30am.

Today was not much better...just a whole bunch of mundaneness going on right now due to end of semester crammings.

I'll write again soon~

"Is that marijuana I smell?"


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