Sunday, April 17, 2005

Journal entry for April 17th 2005

By the way, that last post was a bit too harsh. I was just extremely frustrated Shrezzie and you are a great person. That being said, let me get on to my update.

I'm sick! and it sucks because I have a ton of shit to do, including going to work to make money. However, I can't go to work today because I'm still running a fever and won't survive five hours on my feet under those hot fucking lights. My other work is much worse because it requires concentration and a clear head which I can't do right now. (Forgive me in advance, this post shall be quite boring because I can't think clearly enough to be profound). All I managed to do yesterday was lay around nursing my aching body, watch Falling Down-a movie that I have to write a paper for as my take home exam, and I revised one of like 8 or 9 poems that need to be revised by wednesday night in order to get an A in my poetry class. I then watched Kill Bill vol.2 with Nicole(she's sick too...I think we gave it to each other tuesday night) and then we both went to bed early and early for me is 1am. I fell asleep rather quickly and was rudely awakened by some drunk jackass(j/k)around 5am. I truly didn't mind the call but I'm afraid it wasn't a very coherent call because I was groggy from illness and sleep and he was drunk. Oh well. I then fell back asleep around 6am and woke up at 10am so that I can lay here and blog and whatnot...I'm going to attempt revisions and even some studying for my essay exam on tuesday.

Let's see...what else is going on in my life? Hrm...I've decided to go back to my pasta and salad diet from senior yr in highschool. I don't eat just pasta and salad, but mostly. And when I eat something else I have to be careful only to have small portions. I'm not doing this because I'm fat or anything, I'm doing it because I've been eating completely wrong through all of college and it fucks with my system(if you know what I mean). There just seems to be tooo many fucking mexican joints around this town. I also need to get back into an exercise routine so that my heart doesn't stop when I turn 30. OH god, I hate this's so fucking bland and I hate being bland. I promise to write something better when I'm not sick...that is, if I have time during finals week. So long.


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