So I went on this FAB-LGBTQ Political Activism trip thinking it was gonna be lots of workshops and service work that would make me feel great about myself...but it wasn't. Instead I went on a 7 day trip to D.C. that turned out to be like a religious retreat for gay people (to be politically correct I'll insert LGBTQA so that the queers, lesbians, and allies on the trip don't feel left out). It was so great...I think I learned more from my fellow 13 FABers than I would have in any workshop. Being that I am in a relationship and was on a trip with 7 other gay boys, I was worried that it would turn into a large sexually tense drama but (at least in my view) it didn't...and I'm sooooo grateful for that. I'm lacking in the gay guy friends department and before the trip I was really jaded about having gay friends...but this trip proved to me that it is possible for gay guys to be friends without a whole bunch of drama. Now if i could just find a few gay couples that are friend worthy...because let's face it there are times when single people and coupled people get on each other's nerves. thats a different story though.
So yah, I miss all of you and I miss denying my body sleep so that I could stay up and talk/play mafia til sunrise with all of you.