Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Am I "equipped" to grow up?

Recently life for me has been hectic. More hectic than usual. This is mostly due to the fact that I'm trying to accomplish two very different things at the same time and they usually get in the way of each other. The first, but maybe not my true priority, is getting my education rolling and working my way towards grad school and (eek!) real life. This involves lots of attempted study time and includes me thinking about my thesis work all the time...even though I haven't done much more than just thinking about it and talking to the proper faculty persons. The second thing is my love life and minorly my social life...I say minorly because it takes a backseat to the love life and the school life. Regardless of our somewhat botchy past and our seeming incompatibility in certain areas of life...and one hell of a sexual appetite on my part (and I'm sure his too)...Gary is, like, the awesomest guy I've ever known and I can't think of anyone I want in my life more than him or in place of him in these next few crazy years. (I can't say forever yet because I'm a natural skeptic and at the same time, forever is a long time and life ain't always so easy, so you never know what will come your way and try to interrupt your plans.) I spend most of my free time with him and even time I should be spending studying...but I've recognized and defined this as a problem and I'm currently defining the solutions. Those being a more regular schedule (as much as work will allow!) and a set number of minimum hours spent reading. I've also started utilizing those awkward times (such as bus rides) for something productive.

Along with my studies, and in preparation for grad school (but buffing my resume up is not my main motivation), I have decided to get more involved around campus activities and the surrounding community. So far I've decided to join Pi Sigma Alpha, a social fraternity with the HOTTEST guys ever......okay so I'm only kidding. It's actually a service fraternity with the Poli Sci department and it is a lot like an honors society, in fact you have to be an excellent student to be considered for membership. Also on my agenda is GGSA. That is Gator Gay-Straight Alliance...and it is the more outreach and service oriented sexuality-concerned student organization here at UF. I'm not quite sure what to expect yet, but hopefully I can get more involved and do some more meaningful things with my life.

The party hasn't stopped yet...but it no longer goes on 24/7. Life has many stages and I guess Prague marked the end of yet another stage in the life of me.

Now, having gotten all that off of my chest, I must return to the books. Ciao.